Windows 7 Top 10 Features

Windows 7 Top 10 Features – Abstract

Windows 7 is the operating system of NY. That was a major release of Microsoft. Windows 7 is released on 22 July 2009. But it was generally released in the market on 22 October 2009. But now its version has ended on January 14, 2020. Microsoft ends it and also introduces the new Windows versions. But Windows 7 is one of the most popular and easy-to-use windows. Microsoft had developed it but they end their support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020. Windows 7 source models are Cloud-source and Source-available. We can install the Windows 7 on our PC easily from any windows 7 DVD. But the other legal way to install Windows 7 is that you can completely free copy of Windows 7 by transferring a license from another Windows 7. Which method does not demand any cost. You can get it from your friend or any other relative. We know that Windows 7 is the most popular operating system. But today, we will discuss the Windows 7 top 10 Features.


List of Windows 7 Top 10 Features

Windows 7 is one of the easy and best windows versions of Microsoft. That has many features and specifications. But today, we will discuss the top 10 features of Windows 7.

1. Easy to Use

Although Microsoft ends their windows version of Windows 7. But we can use it till now. Most of their user send good feedback about Windows 7. Because it is very easy to use. All the options and menus are easy to understand. Everyone installs and executes it easily. Windows 7 is a reliable operating system. But when Microsoft ended it, users say it was risky to use. Because its security updates are ended.

2. High Speed

The execution of any software or any updates in Windows 7 is always done at high speed. It takes less time to restart and shut down. That takes less time, which is the most popular feature amount the users. All the menus can easily open and are good in understanding.

3. Taskbar/ Start Menu

Windows 7 Top 10 Features make their user friendly-users. Its taskbar feature attracts the user to Windows 7. With this feature, you can open your pages, or items at a time with the shortcut keys like Home + Tab. You can move your items to select this key. It is easy to quickly access to open the program setting. Vista always tries to introduce the best feature. This feature is also introduced by the vista.

4. Windows Themes/ Wallpapers

In Windows 7, the wallpapers or theme features are outstanding. You can change or replace your wallpaper Whenever you want. You have many wallpapers in your display settings. But today we will tell you the other wallpapers option. Click the right-click button of your mouse in your display. Then, select the screen resolution, after that select the wallpapers option. You will have a lot of wallpapers that you want to set on your screen. You can also select the wallpapers directly from chrome (online).

5. Libraries

The best feature of Windows 7 is libraries. Which is used to collect data from multiple ways to in a single folder. This feature, the users say is the Virtual folder. Due to this feature, Windows 7 has changed their libraries name. In past, we see the name of folders like Downloads, Videos, Images, and Documents. But this feature renamed it Personal Images, Personal Videos, Personal Downloads, Personal Documents, etc.

6. Low Requirements

Although Windows 7 Top 10 Features is easy to execute, it does not want a demand specification like the other Microsoft Windows versions. For example, if you have a system that has 2 Gb RAM and a 160 GB HHD hard drive, that is enough for you Windows 7. It does not demand a high processor or graphic cards like the other versions of Microsoft Windows.

7. Network and Sharing Revisions

In Windows Vista, the Network and Sharing center was pretty, what I would call “busy”. There were lots of options and things that could be done resulting in the use of it being fairly confusing. To select the Network and Sharing options click the homegroup window. (Which we will look at in a minute) and the left navigation options have been moved to other menu windows. I also think that the view your active networks section now looks much nicer and easier to understand.

8. Windows Gadgets

In Windows 7, the feature of Windows gadgets that are technically introduced by Vista. It is the best feature of Windows 7. Which are located on your desktop sidebar. Windows 7 have many gadgets are included: weather, clock, alarm clock, monitor CPU, monitor, etc. That helps you to update your social media feeds.

9. Direct Delete

Usually when we delete any file, folder, video, and image. It will be delivered in the recycle bin. But you can delete it directly in Windows 7. When you create a simple folder. You will keep the option to delete the folder directly. Click to select the folder, then select the Shift + E, and select the yes. it will delete the directly without going in the recycle bin. Microsoft NY introduces this best feature in the Windows 7 version.

10. Invisible Icons/ Folders

In windows 7, you can select the folder for the invisible option. For example, if you want to hide or secure your folder to the other you can hide it by following the instructions: First of all, right-click on the folder, video, or the other documents, that you want to hide. After that select, the properties that at located the last in your menu. Then go to the general properties and select the hidden option. This feature helps you to invisible your folder.

11. Customize your sizing with Scroll

Windows 7 have the option to customize your size with scroll. For example, if you want to reduce or increase your page size. You need only to press the control button and roll the scroll. If you roll the scroll down the page will reduce. If you roll the scroll on the upper side your page will zoom or increase.

12. Rotate Screen

Windows 7 also gives the option to rotate your desktop screen. For this feature, you can rotate your screen from the option to select ALT + SHIFT+ L + arrow. If you want to rotate your screen in any direction. The screen will rotate in any direction.

You can also read about the Windows 11 Top 10 Features from here.

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